Access to Extension Office

Please note: All county buildings, including the County/USDA Service Center where the Extension office is located, is open for public access however, Extension Educators are most often working remotely with clients and partners and are not in the office on a regular basis. If you need information or materials or think that you have a need that requires in-person contact, please email, call or stop and see Kelly for questions. We will gladly make arrangements to provide the service you need. We are checking both phone calls and emails regularly, although there may be some lag times in responding.

We are continuing to serve the people of Taylor County, connecting our residents with University of Wisconsin – Madison research and resources. Our Educators cover agriculture, community development, 4-H, and the FoodWIse program.

Agriculture: Sandy Stuttgen; 715-748-3327 ext. 1;

Community Development: Michelle Grimm; 715-748-3327 ext. 2;

4-H: Julie Diepenbrock; 715-748-3327 ext 4;

FoodWIse Administrator: Terri Kolb; 715-539-1072;

Program Assistant: Kelly Phillips; 715-748-3327 ext 3;

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