Home » Horticulture/Gardening
Taylor County UW-Extension can offer help with horticultural questions, although there is not a Horticulture Agent on staff. UW-Extension has many excellent publications and web-based information available on a wide range of horticultural topics and also has state specialists who can help answer questions. Our staff can help you find the information you need.
Recent Questions

What is the white fuzzy creature on my maple trees, flying through the air, or landing on other plants?
You’re most likely seeing a wooly alder aphid, also called a wooly maple blight aphid. The two names reflect its life cycle – it spends part of its life on silver maple and part on alder. While, like other aphids, the wooly aphid sucks juice from its host plants, it does not usually endanger the plant. However, the juice, called honeydew, that is exuded from these insects may leave a sticky residue on your car or outdoor furniture. Here is an excellent article about wooly aphids.
Related Links of Interest
- Extension Specialist
- UW-Extension Horticultural Publications – Publications and other online resources for free or purchase from the UW-Extension
- Extension Horticulture – Find Horticulture articles, resources, educational events, and the latest news
- Extension Horticulture Facebook Page – Find the latest garden news and upcoming events
- Garden Talk – Wisconsin Public Radio – Find out the latest garden topics with host Larry Meiller
- PBS Wisconsin – Let’s Grow Stuff – Hosted by gardener ad horticulturist Ben Futa, Let’s Grow Stuff is designed to help the beginning gardener learn the tools of successful vegetable and herb gardening. Each episode provides quick and easy techniques to make growing fun!
- USDA Plants Database – Plant topics, downloadable plant lists, and other tools available for the US
- UW-Green Bay, Cofrin Center for Biodiversity – Herbarium – a type of museum that houses dried plant specimens
- UW – Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory – Access to UW for soil, forage, manure, plans and lime samples for a fee.
- Weed Science Society of America – Educational resources regarding weeds, their impact on the natural ecosystems, and management options
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources – WI DNR homepage, access to license and regulations, business resources, education, and more
- Wisconsin Master Gardener Program – Wisconsin Master Gardener’s homepage, access to events, blogs, training, and more
- WisFlora – Wisconsin State Herbarium and UW-Madison – Access to UW plant teaching collection