Home » Health, Families & Finances
Health, Families & Finances
There is not currently an educator specializing in Health, Families & Finances in Taylor County. However, many printed materials are still available. Please contact our office. You may also find useful information at the links below.

StrongPeople/Strong Bodies Classes
A community-based strength training program aimed at mid-life and older individuals.
Food and Nutrition in Taylor County
FoodWIse advances healthy eating habits, active lifestyles and healthy community environments for families with limited incomes through nutrition education at the individual, community and systems levels.

Food Preservation
Extension can help you keep up to date on current food safety topics, product recalls and provide steps to help keep your family food-safel.
Food Safety and Nutrition
More and more Wisconsin residents are seeking fresh, locally produced foods with the goals of eating a healthier diet and supporting the local economy. With the increased emphasis on buying local, the University of Wisconsin-Extension offers Food Safety & Nutrition classes.

Family Financial Management/Consumer Education
Money is complicated. From creating a spending plan, financing an auto or home to investing and retirement, there is an abundance of topics to become familiar with when working towards fiscal well-being.
Parenting and Family Resources
Child and Family Web Guide Describes trustworthy web sites on topics of interest to parents and professionals.

Directory of Services for Taylor County Families (pdf.)
An updated Directory of Services for Families (and other residents) of Taylor County is available. It includes contact information in many categories: abuse/neglect/shelters; alcohol, tobacco, and other drug counseling; child care and preschool; clothing for those in need; community information referral; disaster relief; economic support; education; elderly services; employment; environmental health; farm resources; financial management; food and nutrition; foster care; health and medical services; home care; housing; legal services; libraries; mental health services; newborn services; parenting; recreation and youth; special needs adults and children; support groups; transportation; and veteran services. A list of helpful toll-free numbers is also included.
Taylor County Senior Resource Guide (pdf.)
A booklet containing ‘one stop shop’ to support Taylor County Residents while we age! (Independence/Connections/Health & Safety)
Pressure Canner Testing
Please note: Due to the elimination of the Family Living Agent position, we will not be testing gauges for pressure canners in the Taylor County UW-Extension office after January 1, 2018. However, testing is available in some adjacent counties. Please check with our office.
UW-Extension will stll have the food preservation bulletins available for purchase.
The Learning Store Division of Extension UW-Madison
If you have any questions regarding the UW-Extension Family Living Program in Taylor County, please contact Art Lersch, Area Extension Director, 715-218-2646.