Home » 4-H Youth Leaders Organization (YLO)
4-H Youth Leaders Organization (YLO)

YLO is open to any 4-H member in grades 6 and up. YLO plans and participates in community service projects throughout the year, including Trick-or-Treat for the Hungry at the end of October. This opportunity is a great way for older youth from around the county to work together to make 4-H events happen, while improving leadership skills. YLO members also can qualify for a more local educational travel experience award if they meet the requirements of the organization. The group’s main fundraiser is the YLO Pizza and Soda Stand at the Taylor County Fair and working in the YLO Pizza and Soda stand is one of the requirements for earning the local educational travel experience award.
To learn more about YLO:
- View an informational Powerpoint at Youth Leader Organization Powerpoint
To join YLO: Go to your 4HOnline account and join the Youth Leadership project.