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4-H Project Leader List
If you have questions about a certain project or are looking for some guidance, project leaders are here to help! Below is a list of projects that we have leaders for. Contact the Extension Office and we will try to get you connected with a project leader.
Air Pistol/Air Rifle Dan Gellert Beef Meagan Neitzel, Angel Tyznik Cats Becky Czarnezki Clothing Julie Diepenbrock Cloverbuds Heidi ErlCommunications Heidi Geiger Conservation Karyn EckertCrocheting DairyHeidi Erl Christy Tomandl & Vi Jensen Dairy Goat Sara Matyka, Wendy OkerglickiDogs Jeanine Renzoni | Flower Crafts Paula Dubiak Food & Nutrition Dawn RudolphFood Preservation Dawn RudolphHorse Ashley DumsHorseless Horse Ashley DumsLeather Vi Jensen Meat Goat Wendy Okerglicki, Lorraine WestabyPoultry/Poultry Waterfowl Heidi Erl | Pygmy Goat Wendy Okerglicki, Lorraine Westaby Quilting Christy Tomandl Rabbits Wendy RudolphScrapbooking Paula Dubiak Sewing Vi Jensen Sheep Karyn EckertSwine Heidi ErlVegetables Paula Dubiak Water Paint Vi Jensen Youth Leadership Karyn Eckert, Amber Fallos, Katie Krause |