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Pesticide Applicator Training & Soil Sampling
Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT)
Do you know your Private Applicator Certification expiration date?
County Extension offices will no longer be sending you a letter alerting you of when your certification expires. Please be aware that you are going to have to be responsible for knowing this.
When is my Expiration Date?
Please check your card to identify when your certification expires. If you cannot see the date, go to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection’s website and look yourself up. If you are not there, then your certification has expires. http://www.kellysolutions.com/WI/Applicators/Index.asp
Where do I take the test?
Not all County Extension Offices are giving the Test. (Taylor County is a participating county.) To find one, go to this website: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/pat/county-testing-sites/
If you are unable to check online yourself, please contact the UW PAT Program (patprogram@mailplus.wisc.edu – 608-262-7588) or your local County Extension Office to help.
What about training?
Applicators can only purchase manuals from the PAT program website: https://patstore.wisc.edu/secure/items/private
There will be training with tests provided in select counties in 2025. There is also online training available this year. To find training near you: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/pat/events/
For Self-Paced Online Training Registration for Private Applicators: General Farming, please visit: Private β Certification Test β University of Wisconsin Pesticide Applicator Training Program
For further information, either contact the UW PAT Program or your local County Extension Office for assistance.
Soil Sampling
Whether it be your garden, crop field or pasture, during the fall (after harvest) is a great time to sample the soil to determine fertility needs that may be rectified before the next planting season. It is important to collect soil samples before the ground freezes and to have lab data back in time to analyze before you purchase or contract fertilizer, and as you undertake your nutrient management plan. Farm Nutrient Management Training sessions are generally held during December/January/February, and you will want your own soil sample data to use during those sessions.
To learn more about soil sampling, watch this video and read Soil Testing Basics, which summarizes the information discussed in the video. The publication also includes tips on filling out a soil information sheet (companion form that accompanies a soil sample) and interpretation of the results contained in a soil test report.
Visit Taylor County Land Conservation βto obtain soil sampling supplies, sample submission and help with analyzing the lab results.