Market Animal Show and Sale (MASS)

Market Animal Show & Sale logo

The most current MASS Rules and Regulations and contact information can be found at the following link for the Taylor County MASS Facebook page which may not be up-to-date but has useful information. The packet includes a calendar listing important dates for those raising animals as well as necessary forms.

The MASS Committee oversees the Market Animal Show and Sale at the Taylor County Fair. If you have questions about this program or any of the forms required, please contact a member of the MASS Committee (second page of the MASS booklet).

The MASS handbook and forms are posted primarily for information only. MASS participants are expected to use the color-coded forms in the handbook they received at the organizational meeting. If you have lost your handbook, replacements are available upon request. Email

Youth For the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA)

Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA)Training is required for youth to exhibit livestock at the Taylor County Fair. YQCA is a national multi-species quality assurance program for youth ages 8 to 21 with a focus on three core pillars: Food Safety, Animal Well-being and Character Development.

Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program

The Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program continues to grow as more and more youth incorporate their interest in cattle, sheep, swine and meat goats through 4-H/FFA projects. 

Support Extension