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4-H Record Books

The 4-H Record Book is a summary of what you have done for the year. The goal of 4-H is to build life skills of the youth members. Goal setting and reflection are tools that help youth learn. Taylor County 4-H Record Books are due in the Extension office by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, September 6, 2024. Your 4-H club leader may set an earlier date to collect them, complete the comments section and turn in as a group, so check with your leader for the exact due date.
Your 4-H record book should be a reflection of your 4-H experience in the past year. Please feel free to personalize it with pictures, drawings or descriptions of your projects and activities. Please do not include any 3-D objects, ribbons from the fair, or glitter. All records must fit neatly into a binder or report cover. Extension will supply a plastic folder for the current year, which members are encouraged to use unless their materials do not fit into the folders.
Still not convinced? Read Julie Diepenbrock’s article “4-H Record Books are Important!“.
Print your own Record Book pages:
Wisconsin 4-H Record Book cover (front and back cover, inside and outside) fillable form (.pdf) – Record book covers printed on dark green cover stock are available at the Extension Office. Record book covers can be re-used from year to year so you only need to request one if this is your first year in 4-H or if your old green covers got damaged. If you would like the Extension office to print your cover with your information typed on it, type your information into the fillable pdf document above and save it, then email it to Kelly at the Extension Office, phillips32@wisc.edu.
Cloverbud Record Book (grades K-2) record books are encouraged, but optional.
Grades 3-13
2025 Record Book Fillable pdf Please let us know if you have problems using this fillable pdf or if you have suggestions to make it easier to use. 2025 Record Books (Revised 2020) – Please complete by writing neatly.
If you need additional project summary pages, you can print just those two pages. We will be adding those as a separate document later.
Other Forms and Project Specific Pages – Optional
These forms are published by Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development. You may use them in your record book if they will help you further your record keeping. These forms are optional in Taylor County. Most forms are available in .pdf or Word formats.
- Dairy Heifer Management Record
- Dairy Managerial Project Agreement
- Lifetime Dairy Record
- Meat Animal Project Record (Beef, Sheep, Swine, Poultry)
- Member Planning & Evaluation — Activity
- Member Planning & Evaluation — Project
- Crops Management Record
How will my record book be evaluated?
Record books are evaluated by 4-H Leaders. Each member will receive copies of the evaluations and their comments to help members improve their record books in the future. Record books from members in grades 3-8 and 9-13 will be rated overall as “Gold,” Silver,” or “Bronze” based on evaluations and will receive project awards. Evaluation sheets will be included with the Record Book pages.
Other end-of-year awards for members
Year certificates will be given to 1st year members.
4-H members in their senior year of high school are honored as graduating 4-H members at the fall awards banquet. They receive a certificate of completion recognizing their years of 4-H membership. Graduating members may re-enroll for one more year following high school (grade 13).